Donny Dee

Retro Guru
Just had this flagged up by a friend on the CTC Forum : a guy with less than a weeks worth of posts on the CTC parts forum (going by the name of Gary :SLOWCADENCE ) posted about 15 items all of which were paid for and no goods received about two weeks ago.

He's very plausible and polite and certainly knows about bikes and things like OLN and how to measure frames c to c. He's taken about 900-1000 quid from about 9 victims. He also sold two bikes on the site before the Mods were onto him but was well away by then.

To add to the plausible nature he also offers pick up from Borehamwood.

If you are asked to sent any PayPal monies to a Gary Doran, or bank transfer to the following sort codes, please don't!




Please circulate this information widely among any other forums or sites you can think of. YOU might be his next victim!
Never realised it was the Mods job to route out new members selling lots of kit
Baz Senior":78sofrml said:
Read about this, that's gotta hurt. How hard can it be for mods to spot new posters selling lots of kit! Doh!

that from a new member with the grand total of 12 post,s
Posting sort codes is useless, they relate to the branch not the person or account.

How hard can it be for people to be sensible about what they do with their money ie use a method of payment that has buyer protection built in.
Or - buy from a seller who has a proven track record.

I have had some dealings with sellers on other sites who have been great to me and others had probs with them, but I was able to reassure them that the seller was a genuine person and the sales went through. Delays in postage etc cause worry but on line people have no idea what is happening in a person's real life which can explain a delay etc

It should only become a Mod issue when things go wrong and, by that time, it is almost always too late.


p.s. I just bought stuff tonight - fingers crossed they appear! Have i skudded myself?
I think the lesson here is a simple one ; Only pay by bank transfer or pp gift of the seller has a proven track record and feedback thread that you're happy with.

If not, either don't buy or only send money by a guaranteed means. Think of it this way - if you saw an eBay seller with say one or zero feedback selling a load of tasty gear at cheap prices would you take the chance and send a postal order? Me either :)