Framesaver, where can you get it?

Re: Re:

Ian Raleigh":2aego647 said:
The History Man":2aego647 said:
A second class post at that. With signature.
I still don't get it!!

Follow me, I'll take it slowly.

Post - our entry on a thread, also royal mail

Second class post - not the best effort at alliteration, also a postal service offered. see above

signature - we have them below our posts plus you can sign for mail. see above above.

Alliteration - a series of words, the majority beginning with same sound or letter - Delightful Dinitrol does diligent duty.

I can still see that red circle.


It was a first class post for within it contained first class advice. I'm not one for posting erroneously with alliteration, assonance or indeed euphony - accidentally acquired or otherwise.

I might sometimes use humour, now someone once asked Philip Larkin (this is very apposite*) what he used humour for..."to make people laugh"he replied.


*you'll be really clever if you get this.
Who are you calling a phoney?


Just been sitting here writing a short activity to introduce first person narrative and imagery for a Y8 class....

It was all going so well until I got to the first hill. No problem I told myself. I am a cycling god! Steeper and steeper. Half way up. Legs like lead, heavy as stone. The road is now track, then a path, climbing through the dense forest. Trees closing in on me. Their branches are bony fingers pointing at the old fool, struggling higher and higher. At last I reach the top. A small bright clearing welcomes me. My bicycle sighs as I lift my weight from the saddle, glad to be rid of my enormous bulk. Victory! I am a cycling god!

How many can you find? :mrgreen:

1Unlawfully seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.
‘a man armed with grenades hijacked the jet yesterday’

1.1 Steal (goods) by seizing them in transit.
‘the UN convoys have been tamely allowing gunmen to hijack relief supplies’

1.2 Take over (something) and use it for a different purpose.
‘he argues that pressure groups have hijacked the environmental debate’