Found a Colnago at the junkyard, is it worth anything?


Retro Newbie
I know nothing about bikes.
I found a cool 80's racebike at a junkyard sale, got it for $17, went home and googled the name, and i see it was (is?) a good bike.
I am wondering how old it is, and if it is worth anything.
The stickers on it says Colnago Master, the gear and brake system is called shimano 600.
There is a number on the back of it, wak d258


i see i cant post pictures or urls before i have made 5 other posts.
in stead of making 5 useless posts, i will try to make a url you have to change a little to work. just remove the space between "tinypic." and "com"

tinypic. com/r/24gqdc0/7
If it's a genuine Master, the 3 main tubes will be clover leaf shaped, and not round (So it would appear to have 4 "ribs"), and it should have a tubing sticker saying "Columbus Master Gilco tubing" or similar - if you have those, then clean it up and put it on eBay if you want a quick and good return. However, cleaning it up and riding it would give you a classy, classic ride of sublime quality. (Yes I also have one...)
Yeah, the frame is almost square, and the markings seems right, Glico was on a sticker under.
Was thinking about keeping it, but i am not exactly biker material.
the stickers is in bad condition, would it be a bad idea to remove them, scrub the frame good, and buy new stickers? found a set on ebay for about $40.
from the info i found on the net, i believed it was from about 1984-5, from the fork and one bottleholder, and external wires.
however it has stickers saying "ten times world championship". did they have it as early?
here you go bud


nice find :).. clean it n ride it :)
how on earth did you find that colnago for $17 ?!?!?!?!? that has to be the find of the year!
tnx for picture zotty.
i have calculated some currency, and i made a mistake. i payed $18,2 for it.
Have tried to ride it, and yeah, it is alot of fun. a bit worried that the bike might be buildt for smaller peolpe then me, tho (1.93 cm, 116 kilos).
would appreciate some info on it if anyone have.
the front rim is a bit off. allmost got it straight, but not quite. is there any place on the net i can find replacement rim for it (mavic), and other parts?