Folders! Foldable bicycles, minivelos and demontables

I test rode one about 15 years ago, liked it, ordered one and then stupidly got seduced by a Dahon Speed Pro TT - the worst engineered / built / potentially dangerous bike I've ever owned (I got in touch with David Hon to tell him too!). Sent the Dahon back but then couldn't order a Brompton as it was cycle scheme. Ended up with some Dawes Kingpins and haven't looked back (although a Brompton is definitely better for travelling on public transport).
Bromptons are a bit ubiquitous but once they’re either worn in to or been customised by their owners they become more interesting, to me.

Retail on them is a bit mad but I got my first one, am old short wheelbase one, pretty cheap on eBay and my second came for free because it had been totally stripped and bits cut off the frame etc. luckily I’m in the position I could fix it all.

My wife uses the swb now and I haven’t used my one in a while since pumping my Twenty and I’ve also got this scratching the small wheel itch now too,

On for 150 quid.

Decent tubeset for a folder, but "foldability" seems extremely limited, and even folded it won't be very compact I think?

I am intrigued. Local pickup only though - might be hard to persuade the guy to post.
Do you think it's mis-listed as 26er when it's a 24"?
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What are the folder options for tall & heavy-ish (188cm 87kg) riders?
Raleigh stowaway/twenty has a very stiff folding lock design according to Sheldon, but as far as retromods go, it will be a pain to work with. Raleigh threading, fork/seatpost extension problems. meh.
There's one going for a fistful of £5 notes not too far away from me, but I might be at, or dangerously close to n+1=d situation.
Here´s another contribution from Eastern Europe. Bulgarian "Balkan" Folding Chopper Style from the early ´70s... Nickname: "Balkantche".
hey were actually sold as a Chopper version, with 20" rear wheel and 18" front wheel. I found it in a Gipsy settlement around Cherven Bryag and bought it for less than 20€. All original besides the front rack, I think (somebody local might correct me).
Had no time to dismantle everything so I gave it to a better home, but lost track to it now, so I don´t know if something became out of it...

And yes, not too foldable with the Chopper details mounted...

Folding bike. Designed by BMW!
Does that mean I'm allowed to be a complete RShole while riding it?