Senior Retro Guru
And why do people fly tip, yeah some just can't be bothered to take refuse to the proper facilities, there is no hope for them and they really do need to burn in the lowest hell, but small businesses forced to fly tip, because they can't afford to tip where they are mean't to because a business has to pay and sometimes that tipping fee could be the the difference between whether a profit is made and workers get paid and not in these hard times. I am not defending such actions, but trying to understand why and if the why was known the correct action could be taken or at least understanding can be had and where the finger of blame may be pointed for people to resort to what they do.
Wiggly asbestos sheeting as kids we used to bung that on open fires then leg it as it explodes.
Wiggly asbestos sheeting as kids we used to bung that on open fires then leg it as it explodes.