
Flies are ok, they buzz a bit and usually get bored and dies..

These, on the other hand are spawned straight from hell: :evil:


Tics... Took care of my sisters cats the other week.. Removed like 3 a day from the poor kitties. According to everything i have read they serve no purpose in nature.. Besides occasional food for ants and small birds..

My sis youngest son got bitten 2 years ago.. Behind the ear. One morning the right side of his face was paralyzed. Brrrr... He's alright now though.
I had a tick on my arm a couple of months ago from a ride out in Wales, had to go to hospital in the end to dig the blighter out he'd gone so deep :roll:
GT-Steve":1jiygr47 said:
.......why do they hover under my living room lights, flying in a triangular fashion :? :? :? :? :?

Formation flying
Apparently theres a big picnic planned ;)
Not sure if the ones here in SF are the same kind, but these seem to find the exact center of the room and fly in a tight circle non-stop. They seem to disappear by sunset. I wonder how they get the energy to be able to fly all day without eating?
Out here we get fogged once a week which keeps them in check.

Not sure which is worse for you ... the chemicals they spray or the madness from the flies and their demented buzzing!
Kestonian":2oi03eqr said:
Out here we get fogged once a week which keeps them in check.

Not sure which is worse for you ... the chemicals they spray or the madness from the flies and their demented buzzing!
Nice! :roll:
the sandflies here in Melbourne were particularity annoying this last summer. Trying to sunbathe and the bastards would tag team you into insanity! their bite is pretty painful, almost like a nano serrated saw drilling into you.
Went to spain a few years ago after a particularly rainy spring damn mossies where descending like fighter pilots in squadrons, went for a nice walk only it wasnt 30 mossie bites in 1 hour... :x

Fly's might be annoying, but @ least there not right bastards...

I guess there's always horsefly's though, anyone else noticed the woods are full of these blighters this year!

BTW anyone remeber the cranefly daddy long leg year. a few years ago, must av'e been billions of the damn things.

Now Iv'e got a cat who eats em.. :D