Fitting old stem to old bars. Not going round the bend


Devout Dirtbag
I've been trying in vain to fit al old GB stem to some Cinelli Giro d'Italia bars. The bend on the bars seems to be too acute for the stem to travel round the bend. Though it slips on easy on the straight part. The stem clamps with a nut and bolt so I cannot use the coin trick to expand the clamp. Is there a knack, or do I need a set of matching GB bars?? Is it an incompatibility issue? Help me please.
The way we did this was to wedge the clamp open a bit, if the stem is alloy better to be in the warm.

You then have a slightly oval hole, and this will go round the oval section of the bars where they are curved. Just line up the oval sections.
The GB stem could be 25.4mm and the Cinelli bars could be 26.4mm - in which case it's a no no :( Best to measure before trying anything :)
Check the diameter are the same. Bars and stems come in all sorts of diameters at the clamp.

That said, some of mine are incredibly tight because the bends are quite sharp. I've found that they only go on if the stem is a certain way round, so it's worth spinning it all the way round the bar through 360 degrees to see if it will go, but you won't need to force it. I think it's because the clamp is wide at the front and narrow at the back and one way round it fits better round the curve in the bar.
Thanks for all your help with suggestions. On reflection I think I've used enough brute force (and a lot of ignorance) and don't want to end up spoiling the stem AND bars. I've ordered a set of GB bars so hopefully the GB stem will slide on all nice and snug.
By way of a thank you to all who offered help let me say I've had success! I sacked the GB stem onto Cinelli bars futile attempt. Instead I fitted the GB stem onto GB bars. It was still a squeeze getting it round the second tight bend and I had to use the screwdriver wedge trick on the clamp. But it's on now, and looking good. Thanks one and all :)