First World Problems

I hate it when you forget to un-pause your Strava, and it looks like you've been cycling through buildings from 'Point A' to 'Point B'.
You think you've got problems?

Our camper van is due it's MOT and service at the end of the week (£££!!!), So the wife will have to take my 4x4 to work.

She NEVER moves the seat back, and I know I'll bang my knee on the dash when I next get in it.

My_Teenage_Self":2y6y5hib said:
She NEVER moves the seat back, and I know I'll bang my knee on the dash when I next get in it.
I feel for you; mine is the same AND she leaves the radio on loud so I get my ears blasted with Radio 2 as soon as I get in.
Pulling together the last wee odds and ends for an upcoming build. Bought 100 blue ano cable ends for like £3 off eBay (including airfare from deepest Szechuan Provence). Arrived about 10 days later, but on opening and performing a goods inward quality control inspection from the warmth and comfort of my dining table, found that...(I hope you're sitting down for this)...there were only 98 in the bottle. Count 'em.


Paypal dispute opened.