First gen. Mavic Crossmax freehub service?

If I understand you correctly then the only real difference is that mine has the 10mm allen nutted inside axle

Looks like you need the preload adjuster tool to undo yours and that they added the allen nut on the later versions as an after thought to ease the process.
I have a pair of these.
There should be allen holes in each end of the axle, if you think there isn't then consider that the flats may be full of dirt making the hole look round.
Try undoing the 6 pin bearing tensioner first.
Unfortunately the freehub isn't serviceable (Mavics advice) it's normally completely replaced, I don't think you'll find one though.

Mine was degreased by a Mavic dealer and seems pretty good now.
Rampage":340s7tex said:
I have a pair of these.
There should be allen holes in each end of the axle, if you think there isn't then consider that the flats may be full of dirt making the hole look round.
Try undoing the 6 pin bearing tensioner first.
Unfortunately the freehub isn't serviceable (Mavics advice) it's normally completely replaced, I don't think you'll find one though.

Mine was degreased by a Mavic dealer and seems pretty good now.

Yes, there is allen holes in each end of the axle. 5mm ones. If I try to open them, the non-drive side one comes off. Both the 5mm one on the non-drive side, and the bearing tensioner comes off easily, but the 5mm on the drive side won't come loose. The axle is not 10mm allen nutted inside, so I can't hold the axle that way.

Are the treads on the drive side linx, perhaps?
I will have a look later.
Pretty sure it just knocks out. Screw in the other end a bit and tap with a hammer.