Fife and Tayside rides thread

you guys fancy doinground the meedies and Benarty hill again on Sunday?

many many grins the last time after a brutal climb up the hill.

That's a big yaaasss from me.

I was thinking about it last night though and remembered your suggestion of doing the trail round the Lomonds. It'll be braw and dry too.
The weather is looking like staying dry into next week and following weekend so if we do The Meedies and Benarty this weekend, for it's guaranteed manic :mrgreen: grin factor, we could head into Lomonds the next time. Whadda ya think?

No idea what time, as long as it's no :shock: 'clock.

Keith and I parked in the wee car park at the NW corner of the loch last time, it's at the foot of Harran Hill Wids.

aye lets aim for 10.15 for 10.30 ride.

want to meet in the wee carpark at the farm i usually park in? its a bit quieter and ye dont have to drive in that narrow ferm road?

aaron directions for you assuming coming from M90 at kelty.
so if coming of M90 at kelty instead of turning left to go to blairadam, turn right and go down hill into kelty village (watch oot its feckin ruff injun territory).
at mini roundabout (thats where they hang outlaws) go straight across heading downhill.
at next junction on to main road turn left.
then after about 50m or so (before road bends) there is a right turn at the bend into a small road to a white farm, go in to there.
wee carpark on right hand side after 100m.