Fife and Tayside rides thread


Whit a fanny. :facepalm:
That's whit happens when ye drink on an empty heid. :roll:

Jist been watching the F1, so in case ye dinnae know whit happened, coz ye went back tae bed, here's how it finished.............

Still in bed mate, just hurled as well........let's say I'm a doubtful lol.

Gutted tho,, such a braw day.

We ended up in rock pub in dunfy, moshing till 2 FFs

Get oot yer pit
and get yer bike in the car
.................or Ah'll tell ye how the race went.....

ahm jist up, **** me its bricht oot here!

ahm no comin oot tae play mate, lets say I'm very very fragile at the moment, hardly walk in a straight line never mind cycle.

i've let you, my family and myself down :oops:

The "8 pints or so" was jist a pishtimate* of how much ye swallied then? :roll:

With the "so" being the much larger amount by the looks of it. :facepalm:

*estimate, a pish guess. :mrgreen:

Early shout for Saturday. Got a wedding that night so not planning on driving early Sunday. Unlike some folks I know my limits ;)

Looking dry this week so thinking Dunkeld Enduro trails.

Good man, get her telt! (If you dare)

10 o'clock ok? Was thinking forestry commission car park at the Hermitage. There is a small free one up the forest road from the main NTS one. Can fill up quick but should be ok at this time of year. If it's full the other one is only a couple of quid for the day.
Thought could grab lunch in Dunkeld or Birnham afterwards.