Faulty M952 shifter? 1 click only


Old School Grand Master
I have a LH M952 shifter in my hand and it only clicks one click forward and one click back. Any idea how to fix?

Probably old grease that's solidified in there

A squirt of degreaser down the cable entry port and it should come back to life with a few shifts up and down

Then a spray of light lube down the port and all should be good

Spot on Andy. I took it apart and did as you said. I had to click the mechanism rather than the lever but after a few clicks its working. Use it or lose it!
Submersing a sticky shifter in a strong mix of degreaser with very hot water has saved a few shifters for me. Good squirt of a water repeller after and some white gr see into the shifter mechanism has gone some really stuck Ines working like new :)