Fast rolling 29er tyre - options?

Put in front that Nobby nic and rear the Rocket ron. It is the fastest tire combination I have tested with permision of the racing ralph.

It is my favorite fast rolling combination BUT the drawback is that the rear tire, the rocket ron last nothing. You enjoy a lot but it last in my case around 1000 km, nothing more.

So I ride other combinations. My most radical one is in my Yeti SB5T, in front I want lot of grip so I have put a Maxxis Minion DHF 3c Terramax, and rear another fast rolling tire: The mavic cross max. That tire last nothing like Schwalve. The bicycle feels amazing until something happen like a puncture, but it is like been in heaven. Thakes corners like a dream and it is quite fast. I love it. 🥰

I have other combinations but that are the fastest and the combinations I like it. In other I have a Magic mary front, Chamaleon rear, or a Continental Race king rear and Black Panther front (I like this tire in front a lot but not easy to find one) etc In my 26 bicycles I have Nobby Nic and racing ralph, the old version. i still have a "small" stock of tires with me as they have discontinued the 26 racing ralph first gen.
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The original Hutchinson Python was a hilariously fast tyre. I've not tried the recent iteration - maybe they've dulled it down by adding some ability to corner.
Also the Geax (now Vittoria) Saguaro is brilliant - fast but also capable in mud.
I got a pair of 2.25” Barzos from eBay in an auction for a bargain price. I’ve just swapped out my existing tyres. The Barzo was 450g lighter than a Magic Mary and 175g lighter than a Nobby Nic!

MM = 1200g
NN = 925g
Barzo = 750g

Funnily enough the bike rolls easier, though nowhere like the turn grip that the Schwalbe tyres offer. Still, you can’t have it all.
I’d like something for my hard-tail for dry trail / bridleway riding. Something like

Schwalbe Racing Ralph
Schwalbe Rocket Ron
Vittoria Barzo XC
Continental Cross King
Kenda Honey Badger XC
Michelin Wild Race’R

Any thoughts and recommendations?
Banana Industries have the Honey Badger for £12!!

Currently I’m running a Magic Mary / Nobby Nic combo, which is flippin’ awesome in mud and technical conditions, but like dragging an anchor on smoother trails!
Have you considered Maxxis Ardents?
Well. That was pretty disappointing. I rode Queen Elizabeth Country Park today with the Barzos, despite faffing around with pressures they definitely aren’t anywhere near the original MM/NN in terms of outright grip and cornering confidence. Yes they roll much better and the bike feels a lot more nimble / lively (lighter) but the bikes’s character has changed completely. I think calling them trail tyres is pushing it, they really are XC only and even then in dry conditions. They actually feel very retro!

Still, now my hardtail and full-suss bikes have very different purposes, whereas before there was a fair amount of cross-over.

Not tried Ardents, I’ll wear the Barzos out first.