Fast Rock (& roll) around 1995. Turn to Sunn with Tox ... Cough ...cough!!šŸ¤§ to a Yo Eddy and this is the end of retro and bicycle CV.


98+ BoTM Winner
Yeti Fan
Fast Rock ... what is that ... could be this ...


Or could be The Rock driving fast ... and furious ..


Or perhaps a bicycle ... that goes fast over rocks. A Fast rock. This company has a short history and I donĀ“t know why because has some good looking bicycles with very good prices and this frame looks quite good. In 1996 Fast rock disappears from the magazines and brands list. Too many bicycle companies in that era with similar products.

This Frame is made of Fuji shout light Steel and I have some nice bits to built this project. I bought the frame because it looks great and I have a Z2 fork that has no frame and some nice components that I donĀ“t really whant to sell. So the solution: A new project šŸ˜†šŸ™„

The frame:

Fast Rock madjh.jpg

I see this bicycle with some black components:

XT 739 for the RD combine with NOS Grip Shift SRT800 x-ray. The FD is a black LX NOS.


The RD is not NOS but has little use.

The only color will be some TI screws in blue and the front fork, the Z2. I fited in the Marin but the marin has his fork, so this one goes to the Fast Rock.


Now IĀ“m waiting for new brakes and a wheel set. For the brakes the XT will fit perfect but I donĀ“t find some in VG condition in a reasonable price. I have to wait for XT or perhaps some SD7.
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Imagine that in Jumanji!!!
Really cool frame which I thought was Ti!
This frame really looks good. I like a lot how this project is going.:)

I have been assembling some parts. I start to see the result, but a good wheel set is critic for a the perfect bicycle and a good feeling on the paths. 3669D9C7-9D14-4084-A361-3F3F1F015509.jpeg
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I have the wheel set ... I donĀ“t know anything about the rock comp rims, but looks nice and the Z max was in 1.9. In that era I like the narrow tires because they were fast. So I have recover that :)

IĀ“m tired about the brakes. And some changes will be in the future (Specialized Sworks Fact 11 light weight project). So, I start to think if this was a good idea and perhaps I should sell all the stuf. But I see ... and I doubt, it looks good and should ride good.

I donĀ“t know, I donĀ“t find the perfect brake set.nn I need more time. XT or SD7. I have sold mine in 2020 and was a mistake.
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Still without brakes. I bought some Arch Rival 40, but the seller cancelled the sale. Some one bought few seconds before me.

So still looking for some brakes and I was thinking in this litlepro ... But I donĀ“t know if in silver or in black. Black is nice but the red acents ... IĀ“m not sure. Price is ok, second hand prices are weird. I have to check some shops, but this is perhaps is a posibility. At least looks fine.

s-l1600.jpg s-l16002.jpg
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I have brakes!!! At least I have find some nice V brakes, very cool ones: Avid Arch Rival 5.0 -4.0 And they match with my idea of black and metal color.

Lot of time trying to find something at a reasonable price and good condition. They are not perfect but I will service and change all the screws and brake pads.

The frame was a bit big ... it is not for me only so I have gone for one NOS but a bit smaller. The tubing of the french is Fuji but weights a lot more than the spanish fast rock. The Sunn tox was more in the basic line than in the top of the range but has some cool stickers and details, dropouts are sunn not ritchey.

The nice fork and the stem will go out, and the syncros and all the other components will go here ... except for the seat post. I have a problem with the seat post. I think it is 26,4 and I will need the lock ... and I I have no idea were to buy. Perhaps some road stuff will fit. madjh.jpeg