Fairweather XC skinwall tires (panaracer)


Dirt Disciple
hi all

looking for skinwall tires i stumbled over this fairweather xc tires made by panaracer,

http://store.fairweather.cc/uploads/2/8 ... _w600.jpeg

anyone had already the chance to ride them and know how they perform and what they weight?

also im wondering if there's any shop in europe selling this tires, coz shipping from japan is pretty expencive :(

cheers phil
They look really nice but $174 shipped for a pair. Forget it :)

I would just buy Smokes from bike discount in Germany.

Saw something similar from Compass bicycles in the US but again shipping was a killer.

yep, 54$ shipping no way but beside that 50$ for a nice tire like this would be ok for me

i found a french online shop cycletyres.fr offering them with human shipping costs but only in 29x2.25 dimension by now :( i will write them and ask about the 26x2.1 version, u never know...

the big question is are they performing as well as they look...espacialy when it comes to weight. but maybe i have to ask this in a japanese bike forum :mrgreen:
I have a pair on my DeKerf, I really like them, nice and light and they seem a fairly competent mixed use tread. The pattern is actually the Panaracer CG XC which was a well respected and liked tyre but has been discontinued now.

sounds good :) where did you bought them and did you ever weight them or remember if there was writen something about weight on the cardboard when they was new?