Facebook Marketplace boils my piss

That’s really frustrating, but I’ve generally had better results on Facebook marketplace over Craigslist.
When Obi-Wan Kenobi said this he wasn't really talking about Mos Eisley spaceport.
He was pre-empting the invention of Facebook.

I've had better experiences on craigslist but since FB Marketplace has become more prominent, fewer people look on craigslist. I now use both. I've had issues selling on marketplace with people saying they want to buy something then ghosting me. I always let potential buyers know that I've had several inquiries and the first person to show up with money will get the item. That tends to weed out the people who aren't really buyers. Also I have decided not to use the sale pending feature because if I get ghosted buy a buyer I don't want to miss out on other opportunities to sell. I do mark an item sold as soon as I have cash in hand. I leave the item up as sold for a couple days to let others know it's gone. Unfortunately Marketplace has created an environment that's bad for buyers and sellers. To make it worse it has taken people away from craigslist, which is a much easier platform.
FB marketplace is the least useful marketplace ever made as it often doesn't send the messages to sellers due to privacy settings, and sometimes I think it blocks out people if they don't have a legitimately looking profile, but as someone that detests fb and everything it stands for I am not putting pictures of myself or private details, I even proceed to only communicate with the sellers through email. I do use it sometimes though and great bargains can be found. But the fact that Facebook isn't a dedicated marketplace means that a bunch of people put stuff for sale and forget about it, in contrast to dedicated platforms where the only goal is buying and selling. Also, feck off Zuckerberg.

I think it’s the best marketplace if you want rare and cheap bikes. Everyday “normal” people just post their crap old bikes on there. Most don’t want to deal with eBay fees or polices and just want their items sold and a bit of cash for takeaway. The collection of rare bikes and parts I’ve bought for pennies is worth the hassle

Anyone with a dodgy looking , partial , not many friends , no pics profile I simply block as they are likely a scammer or hassle.

The best ones are joint semi retired couples who share a profile on FB and are just clearing their garage before retirement and that old square tubed bike is just in the way ….
Well I've just completed a very simple quick bargainacious and polite transaction on marketplace....a purchase.....not a sale... funny that .... sales seems like hard work! Buyer delivered free of charge a very heavy lump...i had to force beer tokens on him 😆
So +1 star from me to marketplace 👍
The typical interaction I have with "buyers" on Facebook Market Place normally goes like this:

Potential buyer: Is this still available?
Me: Yes

End of interaction.


Yes, exactly this!
Even if you reply within seconds they don’t get back to you, do they immediately change their mind or something?!

The last thing I sold was a fish tank setup.
I had more than 30 enquires for it, I went through the potential buyers and chose an older gentleman who looked like he would turn up. I kept it for him for a few days, he turned up on time and offered more than we’d agreed. I didn’t accept.
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