Facebook Marketplace boils my piss

My mind set with FB market place these days is until it's in the back of the car no deal is done. As above too many chancers, time wasters, gazumpers, but the occasional bargain means I put up with it. Rude stupid people I can deal with but the gazumpers really give me the hump.
FB marketplace is the least useful marketplace ever made as it often doesn't send the messages to sellers due to privacy settings, and sometimes I think it blocks out people if they don't have a legitimately looking profile, but as someone that detests fb and everything it stands for I am not putting pictures of myself or private details, I even proceed to only communicate with the sellers through email. I do use it sometimes though and great bargains can be found. But the fact that Facebook isn't a dedicated marketplace means that a bunch of people put stuff for sale and forget about it, in contrast to dedicated platforms where the only goal is buying and selling. Also, feck off Zuckerberg.
I haven't had any poor experiences in regards to buying or selling bikes... but at least here in the states there are TONS of scams regarding cars, mowers, trailers etc.... Whatever you do, don't report them as a scam otherwise your feed will literally be filled with EVERY scam ad out there.... apparently facebook likes the activity and does not proactively keep scammers from posting... Most are the same pic used over & over.

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