Ethical trading....gazumping?

There is a feedback area for stuff like this.

If somebody sells to a higher offer once they've agreed to sell to you, or even worse once you've paid, then make it known in their feedback thread that they are the sort of person who does that sort of thing.
IANAL but cant you sue people for breach of contract,

you can probably get the cost difference of the same product if you have to pay more elsewhere, this is the case with retail sales not sure about it with second hand private sales,

I had a situation with buying a laptop on ebay, got one for a bargain price but the seller made excuses about delivery, I was never going to get it for the same price elsewhere, had to pay alot more and considered sueing for the price difference,
As much fun as being a home lawyer is and shouting breach of contract, it's not quite as simple as that.

The applicable law of where this site is hosted would come in to force. You would have a hard time (read no chance) of enforcing your "rights" in English law (I'm assuming we're on an English hoster). We all live around the planet - the interweb is great...but what happens in your local national law doesn't necesarilly translate to interweb law.

As Russell says use the feedback section.
What was described sucks, it's bad practice, it will make the perpitrator very unpopular, and they will probably only do it once if they are outed.

Likewise though they (the perpitrators of shady dealing) need to be given a fair know...just in case they are innocent and fingers were waived without warrant.