Ethical trading....gazumping?


Old School Hero
Hi..hypothetically, having agreed a sale on the forum, i would always sell to that person even if a higher, or much higher offer was put this how most people would operate, or is it a case of get what u can ...i always thought that if u wanted an auction...go to ebay.
new rules are here to stop people using the classified as an auction site .
if you agree a price , sell it at that price .

I was on the receiving end of one of those a few weeks back . seller agreed a price , I paid for the item , seller tells me it is not expensive enough according to another member , then he refunds me .

I ll never buy again from this guy .
Thats a poor show, money being recieved is a confirmation of the contract to buy in my opinion.

However there will always be some rare or unusual items that people want a good price for but dont have any idea of there worth. For example i have a pair of NOS Kona Z-link forks that im considering selling after losing heart on my explosif project and reverting it to P2's.

However i have never seen another pair for sale, and infact have never seen another at all in the flesh so dont have much of an idea on how to price it (other than the price i bought them for).

So im leaning towards the use of Ebay, which im ok with, except i find the whole ebay/paypal thing a bit of a rip off.
An agreed deal is a legally binding contract, even before money is recieved.

ON another site i visit, people have been banned for withdrawing from deals in order to get a higher price. Admins can't do much to enforce people going thru with a deal, but they can remove them from the site.
mm, I agree, had a bad experience where I was discussing the fine details of sizes etc of an item with seller on here, then he suddenly tells me that someone else has bought them because they PP'd him the money without even asking any questions.

Boy was I miffed! That was not acceptable as far as I was concerned. If you see a FS item with a price on it, contact the seller, don't just PP them the money because you happen to know their PP email address. That is very rude. If it happened to me I would send it back and sell to the person who contacted me and I was having dialogue with, not just someone who sent me the money "out of the blue".
typhoon":1b8bkl8u said:
Hi..hypothetically, having agreed a sale on the forum, i would always sell to that person even if a higher, or much higher offer was put this how most people would operate, or is it a case of get what u can ...i always thought that if u wanted an auction...go to ebay.

It is both morally & legally totally wrong!! ''What, you prefer to sell to someone offering more now?! Fine, but still supply me the part!'' I reality not many will take the cheaters to court, but Retrobike moderators are very willing to fight it. Feel free to report.

Did that happen overhere, on Retrobike?! If so, that is so not in the spirit with the site. With the new rules we suppose it is much less likely to happen in future. Feel free to report such next time.
Yes Melvin , it happenned on here , I took it with a laugh.
seller is still a semi regular on here .
Okay, next when we hear such story, 1st we will do is asking the other party for his story. If no proper reason there is something to fear.
I'd agreed to buy something from someone on another forum, and he's just dissapeared off the face of the earth - I can't get hold of him using any method of contact I can think of. Casting aspersions, I suspect he got a better price and sold it on the quiet...
My dad always told me that "A man's word is his word, and you should honor that". He also told me "Possession is 9/10s of the law", and " Money talks, and BS walks".

Put these all together, and my take is "First come, first served". Tell the seller you intend to buy, and it should be yours. If however, you hyme and haw, question and debate, you risk loosing it.

A starving man won't care if his burger is alittle over cooked.