Errr where should I out this??

they are awesome fun......when they work. went through about 10 chains and chain covers in 2 years on the one we had at work. you can hand brake turn it though which is great fun.
We had a hand powered one in work the other day as the guy had leg troubles.

It was odd to say the least. Didnt get to try it to but my mate said you can 2 wheel turn it (he had a go).
It had 2 old hope ti glides or bulbs on the rear (both 20mm fronts) and a deore lx front hub. MRP chain device.

Was built by dartmoor cycles i was told.
The wifes bike:


She loves it. They're a little slower on the hills, but it's like cycling in an armchair.

:x Sh*t wished i'd seen that. I would have beat that price easy. Love them. Could have ridden to work on it.