Eroica Britannia 2016 - anyone signed up?


My self and the guy I did it with last year are on again.
Just going for the 30 mile this time. Did the 50 last year and for us it was proper hard going some of those hills were killers (at least for us it was). if we can get plenty of hill training in between now and then may do the 50 again but for now planing on the 30 and be back in time to enjoy the rest of the day.

I saw quite a lot of bikes last year with aero levers which imho isnt a problem cos they were around in 87. for me as long as the gear shifters are on the down tube its all good.
Lets not forget this L'eroica thread slipping down the pages type Bump
Miss Bling is volunteering on the sunday getting in the sprit of things and will be my official photographer with her camera phone bless her

Just getting my BSA ready this week. Thought I had loads of time to get ready and get fit, but it's only really a couple of months!
New (80 year old) mudguards fitted, everything cleaned and regreased. Got one pedal to rebuild and the chain to clean and it's good to go.
Then a few pounds to lose and legs to rebuild and lungs to sort out...
I'm going there as well with my girlfriend, so we'll be doing the shortest route. I'm going to ride Holdsworth (if finished...) my lady - Mercian.

threads need merging .... assuming mods have the time (meant in a respectful manner)
We now have 2 threads up and running
There has been talk over on Facebook in retro MTB forums about getting something going at this year's festival - does anyone know anything about an off-road version?