Eroica Britannia 2016 - anyone signed up?

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Montello":1zkwu8xd said:
Bring the kids ...
not a chance. They have zero interest in cycling. When I'm with them (which is only at weekends) I want them to enjoy my company and the things we do, not have them endure me enjoying myself. Plus where are they going to hook up their ipads/laptops/DS's to?
Plus what do they do when I'm riding for maybe 5 hours? I wouldn't go to just sit on a campsite, biking is about the riding for me.

I suspect it will sell out ...
yes, youre prob right, just wondered if it actually does, or is there always possibility to squeeze another latecomer in. Wondered if anyone had hands on experience.
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pigman":1getprdd said:
Plus where are they going to hook up their ipads/laptops/DS's to?

Sounds like they need to learn about the pleasures of the bike, or the other things the festival offers such as the music.

What ages are they? The festival is quite entertaining if they are old enough.

If they take up cycling they will do so because they want to. I started cycling as a teenager in a club where there were quite a few ex pros and independents. One even rode the tour as Tommy Simpson's wingman (another story for another day). Some of these guys 'forced' their sons out and I rode and raced with these young guys, but one by one they fell out of love with the sport cos Dad was always pushing them. I have no intentions of living my cycling dreams through them.

I've got my lads into hill walking, another favourite hobby of mine. We all enjoy this and I'm happy to leave it at that.

They are 13 and 16. Eldest is mildly autistic. The joys of camping, festivals and music just doesn't appeal. Altho if he was on his pc, he would be quite happy fr me to be out riding all day.Youngest is a young 13, both physically and emotionally and quite clingy.

So, if I go its me alone, bike riding and beer drinking
Not being hard on your kids Pigman but its one weekend in 52. Maybe you need this for yourself its OK not to see them for one weekend and we all need our me time
kingbling":3d2lg1lv said:
Not being hard on your kids Pigman but its one weekend in 52. Maybe you need this for yourself its OK not to see them for one weekend and we all need our me time
yep, KB that's where I am at, just not committed yet.
I currently have a spring week riding in Majorca without them and an Alpine week late summer riding without them, plus mum takes em away. So I am debating with myself whether I should or shouldn't.
I think if my mates signed up, I'd do it, but unless its carbon and at least 10 speed, they're not interested. For them retrobiking is someone living in the past, a relic, eccentricity .... quaint but not for them.
I've now ridden all 3 Italian routes but will be doing the shortest route with the (non cycling) Mrs, 13 year old daughter and 2 friends, I've mentally prepared myself for an average speed of 1 mph and a stop every 5 minutes !
I'm thinking of it more as a festival/camping trip with perks than a "proper ride"
phoog":3nthtzeb said:
I've now ridden all 3 Italian routes but will be doing the shortest route with the (non cycling) Mrs, 13 year old daughter and 2 friends, I've mentally prepared myself for an average speed of 1 mph and a stop every 5 minutes !
I'm thinking of it more as a festival/camping trip with perks than a "proper ride"

This year my wife will be doing the short route on a 1964 Moulton I have fixed up for her.

My plan is to thrash it round the 55 mile route then ride th 30 mile one with her at a much slower pace.
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pigman":1j889872 said:
. I have no intentions of living my cycling dreams through them.


I wasn't suggesting that, just that there is more to life that staring at a screen. Like I am now. :facepalm:
kingbling":247f0oow said:
Pigman your more than welcome to share a beer with me and make new friends

Likewise. Perhaps we should schedule a Forum meet up, bring your bikes for a beer at the tent at an agreed time?