Erm … mirage in Reykjavik … well I never! (Caution….contains Klein content)


Old School Grand Master
Well just back from walking amongst the glaciers in the East of Iceland….mmmm….lovely….and walking through the old town in Reykjavik and saw …. THIS!!!

Secured by a bike lock made of cheese.

yep ... back to front. And given the two bikes are locked one with the other it makes me think that the owner(s) may not be on top of what they actually have....
What's all the fuss about? Cheap/odd/worn out components on an entry level frame that's also battered. Only things with having are those brake levers. You'd be better off cutting the frames and stealing the locks. In all honesty I'd rather have the Jamis.
LOL, maybe there aren't any bike thieves in Iceland.

Probably aren't many on account of the weather and low population. Chances are that you will be spotted and identified by someone - even in a city like Reykjavik. Certainly true of Amsterdam - and very likely it is the bike owner who will ID you and their stolen bike!

Reminds of an old MTB mag article where they went riding in Iceland with some guy who liked to refer to his suspension fork as "Fork of Pace"

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