Embaressing Gaffes!


Having eaten our fry up, a mate and I went outside for air before setting to on the rest of the morning's work. As we stood outside a dwarf and a tall lassie came walking from a van to the cafe, across the large car park.

Knowing my pal has a habit of putting his foot in it grand style, I sought to distract him.
Forgetting the approaching couple, I noticed a flat bed with carnival rides on the back of it parked up.

"Steve, look! The circus is in town!", I exclaimed loudly as the couple arrived right next to us.
I was getting salami from the local supermarket, and personally hate when they cut it with the plastic on, as you always end up eating the damned stuff.
Anyway, it was a Sunday, near deserted and just a young lassie on the counter, likely a student.

1/4lb of salami please........and can you pull back the skin for me.

highlandsflyer":2hym07bb said:
Buying two boxes of Kleenex in Tesco earlier, noticed the check out assistant had a cold. I commented, and she replied, "Yes, I could do with a few of those!"

I said they are buy one get one free, so she can have one no bother.

"I have some in my pocket, thanks though."

"Well, I'll be thinking of you when I use them later!"

Desperately stifled laughter once I realised what I had said, but it was too late as the place was quiet and several people had already started laughing.


Genuinely made me laugh out loud...thank you. :D

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