Embaressing Gaffes!


Retro Wizard
Buying two boxes of Kleenex in Tesco earlier, noticed the check out assistant had a cold. I commented, and she replied, "Yes, I could do with a few of those!"

I said they are buy one get one free, so she can have one no bother.

"I have some in my pocket, thanks though."

"Well, I'll be thinking of you when I use them later!"

Desperately stifled laughter once I realised what I had said, but it was too late as the place was quiet and several people had already started laughing.
I hope she was good looking. At least you said it to woman.

Early morning in a motorway service station not too far from Nottingham.

I had driven up to meet a colleague and had left home very early, so I was ready for a coffee. I got a tray and got the coffee then walked along to the cashier to pay, "Would you like anything else, a cake perhaps?" the middle aged cashier asked... "We have some blueberry muffins". I asked "Are they good? Cos I have to say I'm a bit of a muffin expert"....... she made no further comment, so I paid for the coffee and muffin as fast as possible and ran to the seats furthest from the till.
videojetman":3ga3f3ei said:
technodup":3ga3f3ei said:
Spelling embarrassing wrongly in a thread called embarrassing gaffes.
maybe its just an ancient scottish version of the word ?


What's Scottish for, ' oh fcuk, here come the Romans! ' :LOL: :LOL:

videojetman":2w3fipvc said:
technodup":2w3fipvc said:
Spelling embarrassing wrongly in a thread called embarrassing gaffes.
maybe its just an ancient scottish version of the word ?

Actually when the 're' are used together in Scottish they form the 'rra' as in embarrassing, this is much like the defunct letter zog when used in the pronunciation of Menzies making the sound 'Mingies'. So when the 're' is used in the middle of a Scottish word, it is called the letter ballacks.

Young girl at B&Q on the checkout, scanning some big timber pieces for me nearly dropping one on her hand...
"Mind your fingers" I joked!

In the car park the wife asked if I already knew her other hand was sans digit, and was I trying to be funny?

Still feel bloody awful 6months later, but obviously could never have gone back to apologise... far too British for that