eggbeater problems?

firstly, pickle, love the avatar ;)

I dont have anything good to say about eggbeaters. all my mates who've tried them have reverted back. I've tried them & dont like the angle of exit either/ I've seen the springs snap to a few of my mates & the entire body come off the end of the axle has happened scarily often (riding home on the bare axle :shock: nice! :LOL:
used to run shimano spds all the time but was converted to egg beaters when they first came out, was really happy with them and swpped all my pedals over to them on all my bikes . . . i am now going back to shimano as the egg beaters wear out.

reasons being:-

they bugger your shoes

bought the triple ti's, axle snapped (only used on road bike)

bearing exploded on one pair, nightmare to fix and it initially shot the pedal body off into a hedge, 15minutes of searching

cleats wear quickly meaning more annoying seized dirt filled bolts to remove when changing cleats

not easy to jump on them for the quick trip to the local shop in normal trainers

one of the beater parts of the pedal has snapped

bearings are not great

so now as they wear i'm changing back to shimano, they get it right.

p.s pickle yep, have to agree, awsome avatar! who is she? looks porn-ish! :LOL: