Edge of the road

legrandefromage":3v2ku79v said:
Some nice cyclo-cross brakes out there - far nicer than faffing to get v-brakes working.

Amen to that - you can't leave that canti bridge hanging unloved out the back, just ain't right Mister!

Not often a fan of white but it suits in this case I think, particularly like how it emphasises the seatstay cap detailing, classy :cool:
Dawes and Claud Butler get a fraction of the love that "boutique" British stuff does.

Absolutely bomb-proof frames for life, while more celebrated kit is cracking, rusting, crumbling to dust!
Thanks everyone, i'm chuffed to bits with the response. Just hope my build does it justice now. Will keep you posted


Edge OTR pics update: This evening I decided to man up and head out to the shed to get started on it. I was about to do this, and had loads of layers on cos it's minus 2 out there, when my lovely wife suggested i'd be better off fettling in the kitchen! Needless to say, I jumped at the chance.

So now it has a headset, bars, stem, saddle and post, which means I can measure the reach and check it against my weekday Cannondale CAAD 8. It comes up 10mm shorter, and the bars are 10mm higher from the front wheel axle centre line. Not sure about the headset/brake hanger/stem clamp arrangement, it looks a bit clunky. Might try to find a different stem.



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Would a fork mounted up-hanger sort out the clutter? Also looks like you might have cable entry issues with it being so close to the stem :?

Otherwise looking good, saddle's not to my taste but comfort wins every time there so if your bum likes it... :LOL:

Going to easily win any absurd saddle-to-drops contest you ever find yourself in... :LOL:
Good idea. I'd forgotten about those. And I could get the stem down another 10 mm. Any idea where I could get one. The saddle won't be the eventual one, it just has the right shape and dimensions. Not sure what I'll go with yet. Planet X have nos Turbo's, might get a black one for it. It had one on back in the day anyway.

