ecco a voi la mia GT xizang del 1993

Frame: GT Xizang 1993 size 19
serial number G19093

Fork: TANGE Prestige switchblade

Headset: Shimano XTR M900
Stem: italmanubri titanio
Handlebar: Titanium
Grips: Ritchey wcs

Brakes:Shimano XTR M900
Brake Pads:Shimano XTR M900
Brake Cables:Shimano XTR M900
Cantilever cable hangers:Shimano LX
Brake Levers:Shimano XTR M900 STI

Shifters:Shimano XTR M900
Front Derailleur:Shimano XTR M900
Rear Derailleur:Shimano XTR M900
Derailleur Cables:Shimano XTR M900
Cassette:Shimano XTR M900 12/28 8v
Cranks:Shimano XTR M900
Crank Bolts:Shimano XTR M900
Chainrings:Shimano XTR M900 46/36/24
Chainring bolts:Shimano XTR M900
Bottom Bracket:Shimano XTR M900
Pedals:Shimano XT

Hub Skewers:Shimano XTR M900
Rims: campagnolo
Hubs:Shimano XTR M900
Nipples: AL Wheelsmith
Spokes:Wheelsmith 1.6/1.8
Tyres: Ritchey zmax wcs 26x1.9 red
Tubes: specialized

Saddle: Selle italia Flite
Seatpost: shimano xtr
Seatpost Binder: GT

Weight: N/A
new decals (by Gil) :cool:


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mtbdave":308tz2xe said:
Very nice, did they have the made in USA decal on them?

On my GT Xizang when I bought it used (more than 10 years ago) it wasn't there. But I saw that on the Zaskar LE '93(also made in the USA) there was so I put it on mine too.
Yeah it’s on that and the Rts-1 and I think the LTS but I don’t lit was on the Xizang as it’s stamped near the serial number.