East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

that was the Klein full suspension. I reckon on a lighter bike and giving it 100% I might get it down to 1.10.
an old pic . theres a few kerbs in there too

Phew :roll:

I first pictured a hillside strewn with building site refuse, bricks, breeze blocks etc. Dug in concrete on a farm track i'm used to, we got a lot of that round here.

I've found myself a trainning circuit, mixture of B-road, farm/forest road and single track with steep climbs, descents, mud, roots, loose surface gravel etc. Not timed myself yet but its a great SS workout.

Should I ever get down Grantham way, I'll have to get you to show me around this circuit of yours :D

needed to clean the kitchen today and as the bike lives there it needed a bit of a clean and by clean i of course mean rub at it with a scoring pad




758g saved in dirt :P you can hear the weight weenies getting the horn at the thought of that kind of free weight saving :lol:
:) You should run a 'what's missing in this picture' competition.

I assume the oven gloves are in the wash, buried or hidden. :D
:lol: yeah i moved those when i needed to turn the bike around to do the other side and it was a bit too close

i can save 18g if i replace the bottle bolts with plastic ones on the kona