East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

no worrries dude,been given 2 days off due to waiting for jobs to start so may pop over this afternoon instead then

cheers for the heads up :D
Any pictures?


mag knees i am
theres a few races local here

29th august , bicyclemania around the wolds

20th sept , midlands xc at the pines . im hoping to put in a decent effort for this one 8)

4th oct , viking challenge

so i want to try and get it done for those

sswales is too far away for me to know what id use , ill have to do plenty of research of the place beforehand
Went for a cheeky lunchtime Ticknall ride. Beautiful conditions - fresh breeze, sun shining. Managed to get the lines completely wrong on Rut Hill resulting in a full airborne bail out (no injuries or damage thankfully) :oops:

Managed to ride even Cherry Tree Cottage - it has dried up sufficiently :shock:

Complete loop, inc. Robin Wood, 1hr 20mins.