unocogero Retrobike Rider Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,981 How about this as a warning! Attachments Owl-Attack-MEDIUM.webp 29 KB · Views: 602
unocogero Retrobike Rider Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,982 And as an advert for the night ride Ed? Attachments Owl-Attack-advert-medium.webp 31.4 KB · Views: 590
Imnotanumber-06 Kona Fan Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,984 Owl Attack That is just Bl**dy fantastic: what talent (pun not intended). I need the T shirt and an avatar. Is the date OK: it's a Thursday? John B
Owl Attack That is just Bl**dy fantastic: what talent (pun not intended). I need the T shirt and an avatar. Is the date OK: it's a Thursday? John B
orange71 Retrobike Rider Gold Trader Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,985 good spot John, it's december not november.
unocogero Retrobike Rider Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,986 Right, date sorted (not on a dreaded thursday now ), I have improved the owls feet and it is now a more usable size. If you want to use it as an advert I can make any changes you want Ed. As for John's Avatar...what do you fancy? I can do you the badger being run over as an interim.
Right, date sorted (not on a dreaded thursday now ), I have improved the owls feet and it is now a more usable size. If you want to use it as an advert I can make any changes you want Ed. As for John's Avatar...what do you fancy? I can do you the badger being run over as an interim.
rc200ti Gold Trader Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,987 Fantastic, Mat. Isn't the ride scheduled to start at 5.00 pm? - finish by 7-8.00?
orange71 Retrobike Rider Gold Trader Feedback View Oct 29, 2011 #3,989 good spot again. Correct 4pm for 5pm start. I'm tired.