East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Quite a tough ride this morning but very rewarding, route up later. And the scooter is now operational again thanks to John's expertise.
Glad you are up and running. I just did 10 miles this morning to make the most of the sunshine. I have an 8am appointment at Sherwood Pines tomorrow if anyone is interested.

On another note I have just bought a heart rate monitor after chatting to John about their benefits on Tuesday. 71bpm typing, 62 bpm reading emails, 98bpm watching GP qualifying!!

Have also bought some proper running shoes :shock: Never thought I would take the plunge...now just have to get out and run somewhere :roll:

Had my running style analysed on a machine in Decatholon and the sales woman looked at all the data, sighed and said "Sir, I'm afraid you are suffering from overpronation" like I had some terrible disease.... :shock:
:lol: I used to run before I did the ride on a Tues night for a bit with Phil. There's something for you to look forward to! :lol:
Today's route. More details in the route resource.

I re-rode Tuesday's ride out to Tunnel Wood. Lovely morning for it. Envied you lot.
Got back to find Carol had destroyed her rear mech and tied the chain into a knot.... she had had to walk 3 miles back and wasn't too pleased. So day spent gardening and fettling.

We may have to bring the Three tribes times forward by 30-45 minutes as an 11.00 to 11.30 meet seems to be in the offing.

Oh, I've bought another frame. :roll: