East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

What sort of time are you thinking for tomorrow and is the route single speed friendly ?
I might be tempted into giving the new old girl a run out !
Well I'll be going singlespeed :D It is hilly, but if I can do it, you certainly can :wink:.

In terms of setting off, how about 9am at my house then we can decide what bikes go in which cars as parking spaces are limited? Then it's only a 10 min drive to the start point.

Route is approximately this, though may be too ambitious - it can be cut shorter. It's a bit thereandback-y :roll:

orange71":2kjg9x2g said:
In terms of setting off, how about 9am at my house then we can decide what bikes go in which cars as parking spaces are limited? Then it's only a 10 min drive to the start point.

Sorry to sound like a wife but what sort of time do you think we'd be back ?
I'm happy to provide transport as well, can get another bike and person in mine.

Well we can work to your timetable if you like, what time do you need to be back? Remember if we give you a lift to the start you could cycle straight back to the house from anywhere on the route if you prefer.
I can get 3 easily and 4 at a bit of a push in my car so how about meeting at Ed's if we can all fit in one car and then Gav can cut back if necessary?

I recon that has to be about a 3 hour ride if we do the full loop in the NE corner. I suggest start time to suit Gavs passout, say 8.00am (although I can make much eariler)

I've not got a timed pass out, just bearing it in mind with making plans for the afternoon/evening.
9 at Ed's and then 3 or 4 hours is fine with me.