East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Time: As early as you like.

Mat: Have a chat about the route on Tuesday. It was suggested by a fit cycling fellow who did the black route last year and thought it was interesting and not too challenging :shock:
Re Sunday's ride - 8.30 OK?

Prize of a pint of beer for the first person to figure out what this is...

It's a 2d barcode panel, they work the same as 1d (normal) barcodes but contain much more information, you can get apps and stuff to scan and read them. They are mainly used for stock control purposes but are now being used for promotional materials.

I thought they were a relatively new thing (I was offered one as a gimmick on a print run of leaflets I ordered recently) but I found one on a label in a shoe I had owned for 7 years...(by chance, I wasn't doing a shoe inspection or anything)...

Now where is my beer!!!! :wink:
If you squint you can see a monkey riding an elephant next to a kitten drinking milk out of a bowl...

Now where is my second pint???? :wink:
It's a link to our thread, good buddy...NOW WHERE IS THE BEER!!!!!!!!

Very clever...is there a conversion program online. I downloaded an app (yes, it's comic relief night and I;m BORED RIGID) and it sent me to the forum in a second...

The app is i-nigma 4
A pint for that man :lol:

Plenty of online conversion sites, just google. I thought about turning it into a T-shirt, but may be a bit geeky :oops: :lol: