Early Bontrager OR 91 Complete bike


Old School Grand Master
I am aware that bikes especially Bontrager’s are more valuable stripped into parts and sold separately, however it would seem a shame to split this. What would be a sensible asking price for it as it is? The parts are mainly NOS. Its got a Turbo saddle on it and matching rims since these photos too.


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The more a bike should be worth, the further the value can vary depending on quality of buyer🙄
I'd think £850 +, but you could get lucky, or unlucky from there🤔
With that spec’ it’d fetch a great deal more than that if split, but that would be a real shame as you say.
(frame and forks alone if sold separately are probably worth £750+ I’d guess)
People wanting collectable stuff rarely want a whole bike, unless it's a total bargain.
I'm trying to get a rough idea of the difference between whole and split, but it looks like a whole bike is not even worth half its value in bits🤯

To build that would cost at least gbp1,500?
It’s a premium and rare frame with the right forks and stem, ready to ride with top components.
I guess price depends on finding the right buyer - someone who really wants a Bontrager in that size.