Dream garage / Dream shed / Dream cupboard.

Always nice to see what others are dealing with, good work @Joe*Pro :cool:

I'm fortunate enough to have an adequate space to work on and store my bikes in, but it is quite cramped, dark (certainly was before I added a few more lights, though natural light would be nice!), freezing in winter, boiling in summer, and near impossible to take a decent picture of! It's always been my plan to make it in to a nicer place to be, but that plays second fiddle to building bikes etc.

I'm planning a bit of a tidy up and strip down of a few bikes this weekend, so perhaps I'll try and take a photo for the thread.
Chair for looking at bikes. Check ✔️
Parts drawer storage and magazine archive. Check ✔️
Clothes rack for Jersey storage. Check ✔️

Slowly running out of space. Naturally.
Reckon there's space for 2 more before I actually have no room to work on more bike builds!
The one near the window goes temporarily outside when I need to set up the bike stand.

Signing in to see others space management!

Few days I'll be doing the same...
Get a grip and rip..✌️
View attachment 638336
Chair for looking at bikes. Check ✔️
View attachment 638338
Parts drawer storage and magazine archive. Check ✔️
View attachment 638339
Clothes rack for Jersey storage. Check ✔️

Slowly running out of space. Naturally.
Reckon there's space for 2 more before I actually have no room to work on more bike builds!
The one near the window goes temporarily outside when I need to set up the bike stand.

Signing in to see others space management!

Great posters 👍 nice bikes too!
Thats very interesting....

I have a workshop with bikes, a ramp, machines, tools, cupboards.....i never thought of having a display area.....it must be like having a one customer boutique shop......

Thats very interesting....

I have a workshop with bikes, a ramp, machines, tools, cupboards.....i never thought of having a display area.....it must be like having a one customer boutique shop......

Cheers Too Tyred.
I suppose the way I've organised my space is a reflection of my inner psyche. Loved going to a bike shop in my teens that was a mix of Raleigh dealer/ model shop/ fishing tackle (dropped the tackle part fairly easily!!)
Came about when me and the wife bought a house....the garage wasn't big enough to house my classic car so we turned it into a playroom for the kids. The deal was if I gave up that space, I could have an identical sized single garage mancave space for the bikes. The collection has grown and space is running tight (although I do have separate storage for riders!)
Interested to see how others organise their space.. I've turned the bikes in opposite directions to fit more in for example....originally they were turned like a shop display, all facing outwards.

But yes, I'd always envisioned it as my own personal shop to Ogle over. Interested to see what others have done with a limited space.
Mine is more showroom space with an annexe for riders and a build space for one at a time builds rather seeing it as a workshop for maintaining a fleet.
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Interested to see how others organise their space.. I've turned the bikes in opposite directions to fit more in for example....originally they were turned like a shop display, all facing outwards.
for those looking to do there’s up, what’s the max number of built bikes you can fit top/tale in a 2 meter long space. Is it 6 bikes ? ..but so they are ready to ride, no missing wheels or twisted handle bars.