Does anyone else suffer from separation anxiety?


Old School Grand Master
Now I know most of us are hoarders, but even hoarders sometimes sell a few bits they really don't need and hoard the cream, but I can't let anything go at all. I can't be the only one...
Nope im the same :(
Have a load of stuff that I may never need or I just forget I have, but hate to part with it "just in case" I need it.

I like to do deals on parts but then cant think of parts I am happy to part with so end up spending more money :facepalm:


Unless it is a huge mass I wouldn't sweat it.

Often folks who have had unsettled early lives tend to hold onto things.

People are much more important though, so if it ever gets in the way of human relationships think about your priorities and what really means happiness to you.

We are in the process of getting rid of all our worldly goods, it has been a liberating process so far.

The original post was meant to be light hearted...hmm, I don't like putting 'lol' into posts :?
Anywho, the thought of getting shot of all my other crap does sound like it would be liberating and fun too! :)
Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.
I think that the biggest motivating factor for me to get rid of any sort of bulk excess, be it bicycle related or not, comes from my seeing something sitting and collecting dust as an immediate potential for whatever the application might be. Its difficult for me to hold onto things that i know that i may not use for years to come or even at all. When i look at these things I think about the people out there that could be putting them to great use, literally and figuratively getting many miles out of them, and thus i try my best to put these things into good hands. I suppose this is why i have lacked the inclination to be much of a collector. Granted i used to hold onto a lot of things that had any sort of value ascribed, to this day i try to make the best use of things, be it from myself or someone else with similar interests. If i know that it is just going to sit around for some time, and i have no intended use for it, it is then that i make the move to let these things go onto a place where they will truly belong, and can be recycled.

I just have a phobia of dealing with the frigging bellends on ebay.

So i don't sell anything.
I dont know about the anxiety bit, all I know is that as soon as I sell anything, a build turns up requiring the exact parts I've just sold.

I'm glad I'm not alone. I keep thinking that "I must move some of this stuff on" but that's as far as it gets :facepalm: For instance, I've only got one bike that takes a 30.9 seatpost but I've got two more 'spare' 30.9 seatposts - both uncut and scratch free. And there's more stuff - I'm almost afraid to look through it all :shock: