Do you want Windows 10-Yes ? No ?.


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
Tough, youre getting it anyway.

They got me last night, about 1am.
Was sitting watching TV, computer on in the background(same screen) when i hear a beep and notice the mouse leds switch off.
I switch over to find MS has installed a whole new operating system on my computer. And all without my permission.
Plenty of pop ups, and all clicked no ,but no doesnt seem to mean no to MS.

Before you all state i signed up to this i didnt.
I signed up to W8.1, because i had to pay for it. There was never an 'upgrade' from W7 to 8, it was a whole new system you had to pay for.
Even W10 you need to pay money for(£25) which makes it a product on its own, not an update or upgrade unless you specifically state you want it, by buying such.

I entered into a contract to buy a buttoned shirt from Marks and Spencers. This does not allow them to change the contract, so they can break into my house, locate my shirt, and then sew on a zip instead of buttons.
Re: Re:

Kerplunk":3emwodtr said:
On the plus side its nicer than Windows 8.1*.

* if all of your software/hardware is compatible.

I had similar scenario with them loading WD10 up on me but i uninstalled it and installed WD7 which doesn't crowd the memory on my pc like WD10
does ..

I only ever had one popup on one of my PCs, nothing after that because I went nuclear on the whole Windows Update system.
Right now all updates are disabled on my PC. I'm only manually installing security updates anymore, and even then only after reading the article on the Microsoft KnowledgeBase and checking several forums to make sure there's no telemetry or upgrade stuff hidden in the updates.

My gaming PC (on 8.1) currently isn't even aware that there is such a thing as Windows 10. The secondary PC and both laptops are now on Linux Mint.
On the gaming PC I have 6 or 7 more years until I need to switch over. If it weren't for Grand Theft Auto only running on Windows, I'd have installed Linux on the gaming PC as well.

For those wanting to avoid upgrading to Windows 10, I'd suggest Steve Gibson's Never10 application. This makes the necessary changes to the Windows registry to stop the upgrade from happening.
Of course you still need to be running 7 or 8.1 for it to work, if you're already on 10 it's too late.

@Dyna : If you too really don't want Win10, you may try to roll back to 8.1. There should be tutorials for that on Youtube.
It's not difficult, you just need to know where they hid the link/button. Personally I'd suggest backing up your personal data and doing a clean install of 8.1 though, those rollbacks always leave junk and can cause all kinds of issues. After the fresh install, use Never10 and you'll be good until January 10th, 2023.
Thanks for that Raging_Bulls that's most helpful as their is frequently the need on my pc for windows to upgrade which initially doesn't bother me excepet when i decide to shut it down and then all of a sudden it needs to do a big update causing me to wait upto 20 minutes which isn't very nice when your trying to get to bed for a nights sleep ..
MS has disabled any option to allow you to install updates at a time that suits.
Bit of a workaround if you are on wifi, but wifi only not via cable, which i am but am currently trying to find a work around to that
Spent the last 15mins switching have the 5hit3 off, and im more than sure its still mostly running.
If im stuck with it,i need to disable a lot of their nonsense and be happy as before.
All else fails its a revert back to w8, though im sure whatever is reinstalled will have screwed up most of it.

Ive yet to try loading any of my games. I can only hope BF and the 30 or so ive in Steam works.

Some help at least- and to start

'Choice' :LOL: :LOL:
We had the window cleaner round. He has no ladders. He uses just purified water.

He always asks first.

Are you local? I can give you his number.
The History Man":h1ch26zg said:
We had the window cleaner round. He has no ladders. He uses just purified water.

He always asks first.

Are you local? I can give you his number.

Are you drinking in the afternoons again :?
dyna-ti":xnn173kq said:
The History Man":xnn173kq said:
We had the window cleaner round. He has no ladders. He uses just purified water.

He always asks first.

Are you local? I can give you his number.

Are you drinking in the afternoons again :?

That sounds about right to mate ;) ..