Diamondback question - which bike/yr was it?

Malvern Rider

Retro Guru
Only ever had one Diamondback, which was the V-Link, and very nice it was too, a lot of fun, yet I remember lusting after an earlier Diamondback from circa '93ish (?)

It was a hardtail, lightweight steel, regular stays, with a distinctive raw, brushed-look finish. Resembled Sunn and other Columbus tubed hardtails of that era. Have a feeling could have been an Apex?

Any clues/pics appreciated, would be interested to know if anyone had one.
could have been the 94 Apex. Same frame, different stickers, lower spec. Flossy Rockstar has just got one to do up. I have one of the 94 Axis' pictured above
it's nickel plated, then lacquered. Mine is 23.5lb including pedals. It's standard except Flite saddle, and M775 SPDs. Still got the wheel reflectors and spoke protector :LOL:
that is a fantastic finish, did it wear well? now I want one again, argh. in that pic the stem looks identical to the one on my '97 M-Trax - wish I could find the stame stem with shorter reach...
mine has worn well. The lacquer could do with being redone though, to be honest. I think Flossy's needs some attention to bring it up minty. It is Tioga, and mine is 130mm
If you have seen my other post,s you will know I was the warranty manager for the U.K. importer when this bike was current. We did have quite a few returned due to rust but this was cured early in the production run. I would say if the frame you have found is not rusty then the finish is hard wearing. I think the idea was for the finish to look like titanium and from memory Marin & Orange and other firms did the same. I hang my head in shame but I admit that I stickered one of these frames up with Axis TT stickers and raced it!!!!! In my defence I had (and still have) an Axis TT and only used the "fake" TT in local races that seemed to always include a first lap mass pile up. When I sold the frame I was quite open about the fact it was steel and gave the new owner the correct decals. As ovlov440 and Pyro Tim say these are cracking bikes and the ride is fast and "pingy", and Diamondback & DBR,s are very underrated.