Dersel Car Recommendations - Help Needed.....


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Right then need a new/newer car as little red car (aka Peugeot 206) won't be with us for much longer :(

Open to suggestions/recommendations and feedback on all as I am not brand led.

Would like though:

➡️ Diesel engine

➡️ Focus* sized (* Focus only used as an example)

➡️ Hatchback ( I would like an estate :cool: but Mrs LMTTM says no :( )

➡️ Economical both in performance and depreciation but we tend to keep our cars until they die so residual value important but not everything.

➡️ Comfortable - will be used for circa 20K a year mainly motorways

➡️ Not swung of French cars :oops:

Budget TBA and dependent upon mileage/conditions but expected to be around £6 - £8k As don't want a loan :evil: :evil:

So then over to you suggestions & recommendations all welcome :D
i bought a golf 1.9tdi last month
30 k on the clock looks and runs like new for that sort of money
averages 53 mpg and does have plenty of power
very comfy and the boot is a good size to
i took a few 1.6 petrol versions out but felt they were underpowered
the mrs loves it so it must be good!
and it sounds like a golf!
I think anything Diesel from the VAG (VW Audi Group) is a good investment,I personally would go for a Seat, Golf or a Passat, they keep their value and are built to last.

I drive an Audi A4 (not through choice) and is a lovley solid car but hate a few things that come with the car,

. Respect - get little when driving it, no one gives way or is nice to you, but once parked up everyone says thats such a nice car :evil:
. Everyone thinks you are made of money
. Little room for a large car

The thing that wound me up the most about this car is when I stopped in Croyden outside a fruit and veg shop and parked in a parking bay to get some cash out and was there for less than 2 mins as the cash point was broken. 2 weeks later a big fine for stopping on a red route, I wrote letter after letter saying no signs, was parked in a box, not on double reds as pictured showed and kept getting no, no no no pay or take you to court....... If I was in my old Astra I bet they would have seen differently.
A few years ago, I hired a diesel engined one of these for a couple of days and was very impressed, especially on the motorway...

Gravy Monster":1z1lhl5i said:
I drive an Audi A4 (not through choice) and is a lovley solid car but hate a few things that come with the car,

. Respect - get little when driving it, no one gives way or is nice to you, but once parked up everyone says thats such a nice car :evil:.

That's because Audi drivers have replaced BMW drivers as the new dicks of the road.
90% of the time I'm tailgated it's an Audi.

The other 10% admittedly it's my fellow BMW drivers.