Depression is just plain nasty

I think I'm onto a losing battle. The weekends are hard because sevices are 9-5 Monday to Friday and my experience recently with crisis numbers has proved the people on the other end of the line are whats "just plain nasty"

Dr on Monday and I am trying to survive the weekend, psychiatrist evaluation the following Monday.

Samaritans are your best source of support when NHS routes are shut, because of course we only get depressed during normal working hours don't we! Keep the conversation going on here as well, plenty of us who have been where you are and are here to lend a friendly ear.
I've never found the samaritans helpful unfortunately, a bit like counselling, they don't talk unless you talk and their responses are generally the same, like they have a card with standard responses on it, ,"that must be difficult for you," "So how did you deal with that," "have you got a supportive family".,...

I am also the worst patient and tend to debunk any of the usual prevention suggestions and strategies suggested
Shame you experience with them hasn't been the best. The volunteers are limited somewhat in what they are allowed to say (I know this as I went through the process to join them but ended up directing my energies to another project in the end) and you are right that they are largely passive. What is it specifically that leads you to debunk their suggestions, have you tried them all?
It's been things luke flicking elastic on your wrist, holding ice cubes to meditation. Yes I've tried them, meditation recently, I had had some YouTubers suggested to me and I've never been made so uptight and angry.

I think it's like being old and patronised because they think that's how old people like to be spoken too. I don't get on with the false calming words and 'soothing' sounds that they assume distressed people want to hear.
I've never found the samaritans helpful unfortunately, a bit like counselling, they don't talk unless you talk and their responses are generally the same, like they have a card with standard responses on it, ,"that must be difficult for you," "So how did you deal with that," "have you got a supportive family".,...

I am also the worst patient and tend to debunk any of the usual prevention suggestions and strategies suggested
Dear Alison,
You’re not a terrible patient, councillors in the main are completely unqualified to take on the complex multifaceted disease that is depression. Sadly it doesn’t have the ‘resolution’ that they require, there is no quick fix. I have suffered most of my adult life from a mix of depression and anxiety, I found councillors hopeless.. eventually a mix of a series of excellent psychiatrists, CBT, some medication for anxiety, and excercise has allowed me to live a ‘normalised’ existence; that’s after 40 years.. I hope you can at least find some solice, or balance in your life.
It's been things luke flicking elastic on your wrist, holding ice cubes to meditation. Yes I've tried them, meditation recently, I had had some YouTubers suggested to me and I've never been made so uptight and angry.

I think it's like being old and patronised because they think that's how old people like to be spoken too. I don't get on with the false calming words and 'soothing' sounds that they assume distressed people want to hear.

It sounds like the councillors you're seeing are sh*te to be honest. Can I ask are they NHS provided ones? Only because, from my experience, the only way you will get anywhere near the right treatment is to see an experienced psychotherepist and, unfortunately, they (like most decent medical support) are only available privately. I'm lucky enough to have private healthcare through my employers so have access to it and the support is night and day different to what the NHS provides.

I have put my hand in my pocket and paid for sessions for my other half in the past though (as she doesn't have the healthcare insurance). If you can, it's worth a try, even if you need to sell a bike or 2 to fund it.
I think I'm onto a losing battle. The weekends are hard because sevices are 9-5 Monday to Friday and my experience recently with crisis numbers has proved the people on the other end of the line are whats "just plain nasty"

Dr on Monday and I am trying to survive the weekend, psychiatrist evaluation the following Monday.


Sending good vibes and much 🙏 for today

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