Dawes Ranger 1984 done ish page 6

Re: Dawes Ranger 1984

Still to strip the frame and visit to see test panels but sounds like it.

Now I know why the only thing original was the cranks and the ropey BB. No threads left for an extractor. Both sides. This is why I like a build. So, rings off, granny rattling away. Four mini discs on the Dremel and then a metal blade in the jig saw. An hours careful work so as not to catch the frame.

Fully stripped. Brakes are lovely. Springs are very firm. The post bolts each released with a scary 'crack' the sounded like they'd snapped. Bars I was karma'd are fantastic. Will use father in laws 53 brooks saddle. Not sure what tyres will suit. Other than choosing tyres and grips and a lot of part cleaning, I don't anticipate any more issues.

Famous last words....

Re: Dawes Ranger 1984

That's a very kind offer matey. Going 730 XT down the bottom though as mechs are long gone. I have 730 cranks for it. I know it's later but........
Re: Dawes Ranger 1984

Anybody know if the headset is standard?

30mm cups, 27mm crown race

Frame ready to be dropped in on Monday after work. Just dug this out. 61 years young. Perfect.

Re: Dawes Ranger 1984

Boss out for lunch, just spent a very pleasant couple of hours stripping down the bars. Suntour shifters are serviceable, brake levers are more than a little ropey, have been over painted and don't look that original although they are about right for age. Will have a look and see if I can find something better.

The SR bars are very cow horn esque and remind me of schooldays. Old racer/town frames, wide bars, wheelies and fixed wheels.

After digging out the saddle, had a bit of a stock take. I think I have just about everything.