read about this today in the paper, they were going on about how the bike didn't conform to british standard because it didn't have pedal reflectors and rear reflector, not that it would have made any difference to the fact that an asshole was riding the bike! they also kept going on about the value of the bike £4750 iirc. none of those things make any difference. a ford escort can kill just as much as a ferrari.
by the description, the guy was an ass and as others have said i feel really sorry for the family of the girl killed.
but as to the general tarring of us all with the same brush i get pissed right off with that.
i was riding in london this weekend from waterloo to streatham hill, about 5 miles. there must have been 30 sets of traffic lights. i did stop for them and the zebra crossings and so did a lot of other cyclists but there were several who were jumping lights and riding like idiots. what i always notice about these people is they are either the top end bike rider (or in london, couriers) who are arrogant enough to think they are invincable or they are the cheap numpty rider, the ones who ride a bike because it's cheap and they can't afford even basic public transport and so just don't have the skill to ride the bike properly or care enough to be interested to learn.
one thing i did notice is the influence of courier style fixed bikes being ridden by people who can't handle them. fixed and no brakes should not be used on the road and certainly not in traffic, i know there are some skilled riders out there who can cope with this style of bike but generally it is not safe for them or the general public around them.
rant over.