Merlin Titanium - the honest 'Brit' build

A small, yet a decent 'win' update. @Once A Hero tagging you as this could be of interest.

The seatpost shim that came with it was dreadfully short - a nice fit for the 'post, but not longer than the seatpost cluster joint - not good!

A 25.4 to 27.2 shim was, for me, not snug enough - a teeny bit of 'waggle'. With a 25.6 to 27.2 shim the 'post wouldn't even go in. Nuts.

The only thing to do was reach for a magic can of foaming Mr Muscle oven cleaner! Three or four 2-3 hour soaks in that nibbled off the anodizing then nibbled off some ally. Gloves and a wipe-down with a paper towel before rinsing and test-fitting each time - I don't want to know what acidic aluminium compound sludge it produced. The final result is a made-to-measure 10cm-long shim which pleased me greatly :)

I described this process and expressed my moderate joy at the result to the wife. Nothing. Just a 'look'. Honestly!
That’s a good result! I’ve decided to plump for a 27.2 direct fit post and save my USE Ti post for another frame.

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