Was on the line waiting at the red light. Quiet day, light traffic, no particular rush. Cars and vans next to me with no room between for more flat bars to pass. Felt a bump but thought that was the usual someone forgetting to stop. Then another few bumps. Turned round to see a real life yuppie captaining an expensive purple anodised space framed folding bike, sporting a golden highlighted slicked qiuff, pale blue linen shirt, stone chino shorts and tan deck shoes. And the specs too. "WTF?" I said. He responded that I was being "bloody minded" by not moving and not allowing to him to pass (lights on red and no room). Well bugger me. The first bump I could accept as a mistake, but deliberate repeated bumping after that? I ain't 'avin that – ain't no moving. This was fine entertainment for the bus stop crowd by us. He genuinely thought he was right and that I should move out of his way. As the red mist descended, I was minded to let him feel the 50t of my chainring. But settled for giving him an rant. Fearful that a kicking might be imminent, he fled ahead, almost failing to spot the dirty great tipper. Grrrr.