Cycle Jerseys For Sale

Tel, I have some more info. The beauty of the internet, it always leaves traces...

He is (or was) a photographer that went by the name "Ryueikyo", but his legitimate (I am making an assumption here, I know) business activities seem to have dried up. I know this is the same Richard Evans, because I checked the username history of "Alleycatcycles" on eBay, and alleycatcycles was previously known as "Ryueikyo", and "SexyRich69" before that. Class act. The contact details of many of the models he has photographed in the past, are freely available on photography sites. I am pursuing this avenue to find a link to him in the UK.

I've unearthed a couple of UK mobile numbers from photography sites that may be his - haven't tried them yet (Im in Australia), but Im guessing they're no longer his:

My guess is that he is a now a 'professional traveller', living in Poland and earning money any way he can. This is why.

I translated that Polish website that you posted earlier. There was a phone number for a guy called Matthew on there (adjacent to Richard's email address). I called Matthew, told him I was a friend of 'Ricky Evans' and asked for Ricky's phone number. He texted me this:

+48 516 836 252

I called it, and after initally answering 'yes' to my greeting of 'Hi Ricky', the line suddenly 'went bad' and he couldn't hear me...
I just sent this email to the admin/mods of some of the more prominent retro/fixie forums around the world (LFGSS, Fixed Bergamo, Prolly isn't Probably, etc). People, the web is a powerful tool, spread the word.

Hi everyone,

I don't know any of you personally, but cycling is my life, and I visit all your sites/forums. I'd like to alert you all to a thief that you may consider banning. His name is Richard Evans, and his email address is

I live in Sydney, Australia, and I race for Northern Sydney Cycling Club. Two months ago I bought a Frisol/Gazelle jersey for £55 from Richard. He 'sold' the same jersey to "Tel" from (see ... 44#1245344), and possibly other people. We are all still waiting for our jerseys, and Richard has ignored all of our emails.

I noticed Richard has been 'selling' his jerseys all over the place. Guys, please ban him from your sites, he is not a cool guy.

Matthew, thank you for texting me Richard's number. I think Richard lives in Poland at the moment, like you. If you have anything to do with him, please tell him to give me my money back. If he does, I'll forgive him for being an ar$ehole.

Re: hmmmm

bikenut2010":13waagvh said:
tried Flickr link, says member no longer pics :?

Either he shut it down, or Flickr did. Richard has at least 2 Flickr accounts, one called alleycatcycles, the other ryueikyo (his photography alias). I have asked Flickr to shut both down on the basis of Richard using their site to commit theft.

Being a photographer with a few thousand contacts built up over the years, I imagine this will piss Richard off :)

I will not let this go. I will make sure I waste so much of his time that it overcompensate those of us that have lost money to this rat. Google is next on my list :)

Richard, if you're reading this, kiss my arse.
User now banned. Hope people manage to track him down for a refund. Would however ask details like mobile numbers and addresses are now shared on the open forum.
Jeez, this is a really depressing tale. I find it very strange. As I said I received two of the three shirts I purchased from this guy. The third, I was told after numerous PMs was 'damadged in the post' and cost would be refunded. It never has been despite loads of attempts by me to contact this guy.

The shirts that did arrive were great, exactly as described. They turned up again after numerous PMs...

Basically I am owed about 20 quid from this guy. Not much but still not great. I will stay attentive to this thread and see what develops here...


I just left a comment with a link to this thread so people know who they are dealing with.
This guys just taking the piss really.
Re: Comment

Jamiedyer":17kp6obe said:
I just left a comment with a link to this thread so people know who they are dealing with.
This guys just taking the piss really.

Nice one Jamie. I have some new leads now, and Im slowly but surely tracking Richard down. I'll update everyone once I lay my hands on this slippery little rat, will leave it at that for now though...
I also purchased some of these jerseys, but gave up hope that they'd turn up months ago.

Hope you guys manage to get your money back, I'm not expecting to get a thing (money or jerseys) but stranger things have happened...