This bike was bought piece by piece by our son between 1996-7.
The frame alone was £850. Everything was in boxes and all that was missing was front forks.
He passed his drubbing test and abandoned the project, partly also to then getting a job in London and wanting to commute by cycle and this was far too good. So he used A very nice training road bike of mine …… and got that stolen instead. Gave me this, I added the forks.
It’s had little use but I managed to crack the rear hub recently and the price for the modern equivalent was bonkers- it has a new rear wheel to suit my leisurely levels these days.
It weighs under 11 kg and is a bit too racy for me.
If I can get a couple of hundred for it towards a new hybrid I’d be more than happy but would like to see if it’s possibly worth more - or even sadly, less!
This bike was bought piece by piece by our son between 1996-7.
The frame alone was £850. Everything was in boxes and all that was missing was front forks.
He passed his drubbing test and abandoned the project, partly also to then getting a job in London and wanting to commute by cycle and this was far too good. So he used A very nice training road bike of mine …… and got that stolen instead. Gave me this, I added the forks.
It’s had little use but I managed to crack the rear hub recently and the price for the modern equivalent was bonkers- it has a new rear wheel to suit my leisurely levels these days.
It weighs under 11 kg and is a bit too racy for me.
If I can get a couple of hundred for it towards a new hybrid I’d be more than happy but would like to see if it’s possibly worth more - or even sadly, less!