Covid-19 & Cycling - Living with it - Wide Discussion

Yesterday's ride was interesting in the fact that there were far more cars parked up than usual. Plus some arse drivers not giving way or leaving any room for us two wheeled folk.

Lots of virtue signaling too, a phrase I only learned of during the lock down but it's like a plague in itself.

It was no fun.

If I go out today it will be back out in the quieter areas away from the stupids.
legrandefromage":12c0azue said:
Lots of virtue signaling too, a phrase I only learned of during the lock down but it's like a plague in itself.

Ah, new phrase learned for me too. That perfectly describes my neighbours who insist on not only clapping but getting the kids to toot the car horn every Thursday night at 8.
The same neigbours who had the police called on them (by another neighbour) due to having a BBQ on the front lawn witrh several other families all with kids none of whom had any idea how to keep their distance. :facepalm:
Having had the time to go out and the hot glorious weather, I havent been out on a bicycle this week. For whatever reason I dont like going out alone at the moment.
What are your folks thoughts on cycle touring this year?

- Going alone, supermarket, fully loaded and camping? Self sufficient mobile isolation type thing.
- Sit it out and wait for social bubbles to increase in size, hotels, bars and restaurants to open again?

Looks like mid-June seems the earliest practical period for both domestic and EU wide touring. Even
with the lifting, the question remains would you actually do it or stay closer to home and just do
local riding?
Never before in the field of human conflict, have so many bicycles needed to be made road worthy for so many by so few....

I’ve been tapped up to “sort” brakes, chains, gears, punctures on so many garaged junks that any pipe dreams of running a bike shop have been blown to the four winds.... and it’s messing with my builds!
Peachy!":3w21pyo3 said:
Never before in the field of human conflict, have so many bicycles needed to be made road worthy for so many by so few....

I’ve been tapped up to “sort” brakes, chains, gears, punctures on so many garaged junks that any pipe dreams of running a bike shop have been blown to the four winds.... and it’s messing with my builds!

Been there too recently.

Fixed up a late 90s BMX trick/ freestyle bike so the owner who is now 40 could play around like he was 15. An utter nightmare to get the brakes working due to all sorts of cable pull gizmos :facepalm:
Woz":1iifqjcn said:
What are your folks thoughts on cycle touring this year?

- Going alone, supermarket, fully loaded and camping? Self sufficient mobile isolation type thing.
- Sit it out and wait for social bubbles to increase in size, hotels, bars and restaurants to open again?

Looks like mid-June seems the earliest practical period for both domestic and EU wide touring. Even
with the lifting, the question remains would you actually do it or stay closer to home and just do
local riding?

If I'm going anywhere I'm going to stay as far away from people as possible, try to get as much food as I can to begin with, limiting trips to shops. Also, I'd want to stay away from official campsites. From what I've seen in Denmark people think it's all over now, people almost stumble into each other in shops and flock out to exercise in groups. I'm expecting a huge spike over here soon.