COOL WALL is back - Yeti C-26 cool or not?

COOL WALL is back - Yeti C-26 cool or not?

  • Cool

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  • OK

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  • Uncool

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These days that bike is a very expensive trinket; you won't ride it, it'll just be kept to look good and be very rare. It also isn't a very pretty bike. Rare things become incredibly cool if they get used - think seeing a Lancaster bomber going over and knowing thats the only one in the world that can fly, I can't see anyone riding the 12k Yeti, plus if I spent 12k on a bike I'd quite like that bike to look like it's worth that amount! It's only cool to people that like Yeti's, there's certainly no universal appeal. Uncool.
Totally cool.

I must admit the recent $12K frame on Ebay seems a bit crazy and not really the direction I would the retro bike scene to go, over all.

But the C26 represents a cool time of innovation in mountain biking.
And Ameybrook's write-up about the time and persistence required to get his particular bike built makes this one very cool.
Don't care for them, but a real one is undeniably cool. Seems to me it's all made a bit problematic because it's hard to pin down what constitutes one.

From what I've read, some where factory built and raced and won races: these are so cool they would reverse global warming if all ridden at once in period kit.

Others seem to have been legitimitely built from kits of leftover parts. Pretty damn chilly.

But if a bike is badly glued together from nicked bits, is it a C26 worthy of cool? Praps not.
A bike you cant ride for fear of it falling appart? I think I could make one of those using kitchen roll tubes and uhu ;)
Un-cool, over-rated and way over-valued :roll:
In my opinion I think some people are missing the point of the cool wall - or at least a Top Gear style cool wall.

Sure over 50 people so far think its cool, but to use in the words of Mr Clarkson "This is not a democracy". The fact that so many think its cool may also be proof that its anything but cool - in the same way that any new Porsche is seriously uncool ;)

They may have been cool once, but now a C26 now is just a bike for posing, something to hang on the wall or to cruise down to the local coffee shop in your matching team kit - and that is seriously uncool period*#. ;)

* Note: tongue firmly in cheek, and yes I'd have one too if I could which also means that it must be seriously uncool...

# Unless you are Mario Cipollini, in which case anything looks cool :LOL:
andrewl":2jawkd78 said:
* Note: tongue firmly in cheek, and yes I'd have one too if I could which also means that it must be seriously uncool...

# Unless you are Mario Cipollini, in which case anything looks cool :LOL:



but so true.
Ignoring the £12000 price tag, and the bad 80's German ski suit colourway........

Look at the stance.........the very way it sits makes this cool.

We've all ridden shitty bikes in the past (mostly while aspiring towards something better) and you just know that this will ride lovely....

I give it a big Cool............... :)
being a poor english speaking froggie I went back to the definitions of cool ;)

fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept; "he's a cool dude"; "that's cool"; "Mary's dress is really cool"; "it's not cool to arrive at a party too early"

it seems to qualify :LOL:

in the literal sense
neither warm or very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"

at this altitude, not sure the bike in these surroundings qualify !

furthermore, the reactions dont'seem lukewarm either so may not qualify !