Cool or cr*p?

...Looking over my shoulder is getting more & more difficult as I get older so it's cool ...what am I saying... it's utter crap.

A product with no market
This should have been a poll, i'm voting cr*p due to fact i can still move my head about.
Honestly, If you can't look over your shoulder, for what ever reason, should you be riding anywhere that stuff could be coming up behind you anyway; regardless of a rear view monitor or not???? :?
What a load of crap!

Track sprinters may find it useful, but me thinks it may be disallowed :LOL:
Its crap. I went in to the back of a car because i wasn't looking ahead and in front of me. First objective on a bike look in front. I've also been hit up the back by a car at traffic lights. One of them wouldn't have helped.
I've found another, but this has long lfe batteries!!!!

